Friday, April 25, 2014

one month, two days

So... I have sold, given away and donated my furniture, belongings and 2 of my pets.  And I know most of you will probably find this very silly.....but I don't.  Someone is picking up my kitchen table tomorrow to a new home.  I cannot tell you how many hours I have spent here.....looking out my bay window while working, studying, talking to those I care about....etc.  This table has a huge history...if it could only speak!  For 25 years...I have made thousands of meals, had many heartfelt talks, raised my children, had wine nights with my girls, have had to answer "those" difficult questions, family meetings, and the list goes on.  It's weird....I never thought I'd be attach to a piece of furniture but find out it's sort of sad for me. I am glad the gal that's taking it loves it and so it continues to have more dinners and conversations and bring joy.  One day I'll buy a new table to start a new history love and memories...Until then  I am grateful to have a bridge table and fold up chairs for the next month!!  I'll have to put a little padding on mine to sit on but that's okay.....that's what towels are for!!  Appreciate what you have......Life is precious! <3

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