Friday, June 20, 2014

21 days today!

WOW!  It's hard to believe I've been here 21 days already.  They have been wonderful days of sunshine, exploring, lots of exercise, meeting new people, learning more about myself and having some really good one on one time with Chase.  It's so nice for Lindsay to be able to stop by and have dinner or just say hello!  This past week experienced the San Diego fair and went to the wine festival with Lindsay and Maureen (one of Lindsay's friends Mom) in Del Mar.  We had a nice time and I am looking forward to getting together with Maureen again for HH or dinner. Lots of dog beach adventures.  I love to watch how the tide changes each day and the way the water pools and makes patterns in the sand.  It's my thinking time and I really enjoy my mornings there with Mali. Chase and I drove down a bit to experience beautiful Sunset Cliffs.  Breathtaking! Then followed the coast to Seaport Village to have a nice lunch by the water and window shop a bit.  The BEST day this week was kayaking in La Jolla.  I was a bit nervous about getting through the surf but I DID IT!!  It was SO fun...I really enjoyed it!  Such a beautiful place of my favorites here. We got to see sea lions up close and had spotted leopard sharks swimming right under us.  The water is so clear and blue here....just beautiful!  So peaceful.  2 hours on the cove and I actually caught a wave in was awesome!!  Spent the evening with Linds and her boyfriend Eric ....dinner and dog beach.  The dogs are in heaven here and so is their Mama.  No movers yet but that's okay.....I have all I really need for the most part...although.....I do want my clothes, oils and my CAMERA!!!

I have people in my life going through some tough times right now.  I am really glad that each of them are staying positive and having faith.  You have to. Sometimes God gives us learning lessons, struggles, to help us to grow.....learn.....and listen.  It can be trying, frustrating and downright awful going through life......but if I've learned that if you do have faith, listen, be kind, and have courage, take chances..and keep putting one foot in front of the other.....things usually...not always but usually work out the way they should.....and with you even better than you were before!! <3  You are in my prayers each day.....Hugs.

Watching the day winding down here from my kitchen table....the silhouettes of the palm trees are one of my favorite parts of the day as the sun begins to set.  Missing those I love and wishing you all a nice weekend.  I am keeping the faith that I will hear from my moving truck tomorrow.....Happy Weekend!!  :)))

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Day 10 here on the West Coast

   Hard to believe that we have been here for 10 days already! My daily walks with Mali take me down my street of Voltaire and I see his quotes written here and there on buildings, signs, etc. I wanted to know who he was, googled him and found he was a French writer, historian and philosopher famous for his wit, his advocacy of freedom of religion, freedom of speech, and separation of church and state.  I've also realized that many of the streets here are named after writers, poets and philosophers. I am also learning about the history of this little town. Looks like I'll be brushing up on my history a bit! 
   Our weather right now is called the "June Gloom" which means that it's gloomy and cool in the mornings until about noon or later.  Definitely chilly.  
   Tonight is Taco Tuesday all over the city with $2 tacos at most that's what we will be having for dinner tonight!  Fish tacos for me!!  So yummy!
   Praying the movers get their truck fixed and get the heck outta Texas and on their way here....taking it in stride.  Nothing I can do. In the meantime, going to enjoy my down time and get to know my new town.


Sunday, June 8, 2014

one day at a time

Yep...story of my last 6 month journey. Settling here and no turning back.  Still no moving truck, or my car, AND Chase's car broke down today...just what I needed.   Finding my way in this little town, trying to make my home my own with little funds, groceries, pet food and still unable to start working due to no belongings.  Living the simple life to say the least. My sanity is truly  my morning beach trips with Mali and exploring my surroundings meeting everyone I can. She is a delight to so many people she meets on our little adventures and that makes me smile.
There weather is perfect, I am within walking distance to anything I would need, get to watch fireworks every night, have my dogs and my children here.. but,  feeling a bit lonely, a bit overloaded financially, but also feeling I'll be okay once I can start working.  It's definitely a bit scary but.....I do like it here.  The dogs are in heaven. But, I feel like I am living in someone else's house....which I am.  I hope to make it my own with time.  Bought my first ceramic pot from old town yesterday, its yellow with red and blue pretty ...planted some herbs to inspire me to start cooking again.  Lots of bearings still to be found for me.  Feeling lonely and missing my routine and friends.   But.....learning to start a new here and doing okay.  One day at a time. Right?

Tuesday, June 3, 2014


I  woke this morning to the boisterous chatter and screeching of parrots!?  Apparently decades   ago  they ( wild green and red crowned parrots) were released from a pet store or individual and  have multiplied in the wild here in the Ocean Beach/Point Loma area.  They are mostly seen and HEARD in the early mornings and the evenings.  Another thing that adds to the character and charm of this little town.
Mali has gotten a bit more comfortable at Dog Beach....still looking for her new bff.  Awesome today....quiet and low tide.  She had a blast.  Chase and I are both tired today....guess coming down from everything.  Really been busy trying to find my lost Ellie from here.  Many phone calls and emails.  Good news is....have my first interview on Thursday morning.  No clothes here yet so looks like I'll be shopping for some bargains tomorrow so I look decent.  Dang gone movers!!