I've had almost a year here and believe me...as much as I have romanced you all in my fairy dust adventure. It's been a challenge. That's for my one year celebration page. ;) I have adapted well, it's had it's ups and downs but mostly ups. I 'm very "adaptable" and I'm loving life much simpler. I do want to share a story. My friend...Kelly...who I didn't know would be a bigger part of me than I knew....came to visit. I once again got to see my world as a newbie....through her eyes. She was like a little kid in disneyland. Really made me appreciate even more how lucky I am to have landed in the perfect place for me to find a new beginning. I only got to spend one day with her but she gave me multiple gifts just being her.....ones that took on a whole new meaning and adventure. It was so refreshing to see someone appreciate the child in me when I first came here..I was reliving it with her my first days in Ob. So very very amazing to share that with her. ..I am blessed in many ways. I will never take that for granted. No matter how hard it gets....I remember times like these. Kelly.....bottom photo is lifeguard 5 at dog beach!

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