Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th

Best news ever....Ellie has been found!!!!  It's been weighing on my mind, feeling helpless and that thank God people are good.  She is safe. :))))

Chase had a couple friends here these past few days.  Their visit started with him having severe food poisoning ..long story.  But I have realized that Chase is a trooper like his Mama.  Chin up and even after throwing up non stop for hours...managed a smile and a positive attitude.  Yes, I was worried. So here it is...2 days later and he's himself again.  Playing the ukelele, joking around, and even while he was feeling like crap ...he kayaked and snorkeled and jumped out of a plane......thankful he bounced back so quickly.  I sure loved having Ethan and Darryl here.  I could do my whole nurturing thing ;)

Lindsay and Chase both have great friends that I know they will be friends forever with.  I envy that.  I was sick early in high school and missed out on that lifetime connection.  But I've found some awesome friends in my adult hood and they have been such special gifts.  I'm grateful for my life and the love I have in it every day.  I can't wait to meet some folks to call my friends here in SD.  I have one...she's awesome.  But....that's okay for now.  Sunset was beautiful......hanging with my pups to make sure they are okay with the noise from 3 different firework displays.  Happy 4th......Be safe......enjoy the ones you are with!! <3

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