Sunday, July 27, 2014

Reflecting on the past 2 months......

"In every walk with nature receives far more than he seeks"__Muir

I'm still in awe and wonder about my new home. I can't believe I have been here almost 2 months already.  I have learned a lot about myself and about my new surroundings. My morning walks to Dog beach have been therapeutic for both me and Mali and we have formed a bond that is very special. You dog lovers understand that kind of connection for sure. Of course, I still miss my walks with Sandi...but Chase and I drive the dogs down and I get to enjoy watching her play in the surf with Mali a couple times a week in the evenings. She actually smiles ear to ear!  I am glad she is going to live out her last days in such a dog friendly place.

I have befriended a local artist here in town.  Kip.  He hand paints signs with quirky little sayings and works at the Green Store.  He's been here 26 years...from LA...and his signs are all over town.  We talk most mornings for a few minutes on my walks with Mali and  he throws me little tidbits about OB.  It's become one of the highlights of my mornings because he knows things about the town you can't read online.

 All the streets are named after naturists, authors, preservationists and ecological thinkers.  Just along Voltaire Street.  So I mentioned before I was going to learn a bit more about the folks these streets are named after. street down.  One of my favorites quotes of his "You cannot dream yourself a character; you must hammer and forge yourself one."  Boy have I learned lesson the long and hard way.  So true.

One of my favorite streets....Muir Street.  Another naturalist, said..."When we try to pick out anything by itself...we find it hitched to everything else in the universe."  I had to think about this one a bit.....but it's true.  Think about it.

I have also befriended a homeless woman with a little dog who lights up when she sees me most days.  Just loves being acknowledged and said hello to.  Maybe one day I'll learn her story. So many many homeless in San Diego.  Saw a family of six with an infant in Point sad.  I don't take my journey here and my life here for granted at all......I am so grateful for this opportunity to look at this sunset every night, be with my children, my dogs ...the beautiful weather each day.  I am feeling healthy and happy and I am so excited about the future.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

6 Weeks....hard to believe.....but not really.

 Life here is still a little surreal.  I really miss home in VA sometimes,  the familiarity....the routine, my friends.  It's lonely sometimes for sure.  We are finally in a routine and busy everyday. I still can't get passed the reality that I actually live in a place that feels like vacation.  Why would I ever have to go on a beach vacation?

 I do know....I don't like the people invasion of summer vacationers.  I thought I was out of the loop being here in OB.....NOT the case.  EARLY morning walk with Mali and late sunset visits with all three or it's just too crowded with the dreaded weekenders or tourists.  Yes.....I'm becoming an official OB local.  Love it!  Nice  that we live away from all the crowds but within walking distance to avoid having to drive around forever to find that rare parking spot.

 Meeting new people, job search is going really well and I am feeling good. For me it's all about connection.  I've found my new grocery stores and my favorite farmers markets and a few new favorite restaurants.  I've made some new friends. The best part about being here besides the beautiful weather and how good I feel about me is the simplicity of this lifestyle.  I have learned to live with so much's okay for now.   I need my family, my pups, healthful food for all of us, transportation, a home , my health and extra for when we need it.  I am so appreciative especially after what I have seen this summer.   I'm feeling so good about my new little home and I do think I will be staying here for a long's perfect for me.

Friday, July 4, 2014

Happy 4th

Best news ever....Ellie has been found!!!!  It's been weighing on my mind, feeling helpless and that thank God people are good.  She is safe. :))))

Chase had a couple friends here these past few days.  Their visit started with him having severe food poisoning ..long story.  But I have realized that Chase is a trooper like his Mama.  Chin up and even after throwing up non stop for hours...managed a smile and a positive attitude.  Yes, I was worried. So here it is...2 days later and he's himself again.  Playing the ukelele, joking around, and even while he was feeling like crap ...he kayaked and snorkeled and jumped out of a plane......thankful he bounced back so quickly.  I sure loved having Ethan and Darryl here.  I could do my whole nurturing thing ;)

Lindsay and Chase both have great friends that I know they will be friends forever with.  I envy that.  I was sick early in high school and missed out on that lifetime connection.  But I've found some awesome friends in my adult hood and they have been such special gifts.  I'm grateful for my life and the love I have in it every day.  I can't wait to meet some folks to call my friends here in SD.  I have one...she's awesome.  But....that's okay for now.  Sunset was beautiful......hanging with my pups to make sure they are okay with the noise from 3 different firework displays.  Happy 4th......Be safe......enjoy the ones you are with!! <3

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Settling in...learning the life here

For some reason,  here in San Diego people find a need to pile up rocks.  They call it "stacking".  I read that it symbolizes a desire to manifest a connection in our every day life, to bring the sacred into every thought, feeling and action.  If you think about it....if this little building of an altar makes someones life a little be it. They are all beautiful in their own way.

I look at them as I have my step at a time. Balance.  Building blocks.  A big stone, then a little stone and then maybe a medium stone, etc.  I prefer the big stones! ;)

Anyway,  5 weeks and downs but I'm glad to be here and feeling better than I have in many years.  I have learned to live here means to live simply.  Buy what you need and make the most of what you have.  Huge support for the local merchants and farmers.  I have loved hearing the stories from the farmers markets merchants.  So much talent and so much ambition and dreams......Inspires me to pursue my own ambitions and dreams...and that being true to yourself is so matter what.