Much better day! Didn't start out so well..while loading Mali and Fritter into the car this morning I locked the keys in the car with them in it. Couldn't believe it! Billy Craig, a local in town, came to our rescue within 15 minutes and we were on our way by 8!! Speed limit was 75, a beautiful day and ready to make up for some of the time we lost yesterday. 20 minutes down the road I get pulled over for going 81 in a 75. Apparently "Texas has no tolerance and you must drive the speed limit." He scolded me and let me go....really? 6 miles over on a highway? The rest of the trip went smoothly..the dogs were awesome and slept most of the way. Potty breaks were tough again. No where to stop and red ants and trash everywhere for miles. The first half of Texas the rest area was beautiful....after that.....there were none. Enjoyed watching the change of scenery crossing the state. We decided to make it to El Paso because it was basically the first place after crossing the desolate eastern terrain. So after 12 hours and 760 miles we landed in El Paso, TX. They don't waste any space here that's for sure. Hotel is right next to the highway and Mali is fascinated with the lights and and the cars whizzing by. I said to Chase today "Do you think the dogs think the car is their new home?" I know they must be confused but they have been troopers and settling in to all the changes each day. Tomorrow we drive through a bit of New Mexico and cross Arizona and into Cali to our final destination in Ocean Beach, CA. 738 miles to go and another long day ahead. This awesome team can do it again tomorrow and we will be very happy to finally be there.

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