I've been in this kind of funk thing for the past week..trying hard to shake it but also embracing it as a change within me. I love it here. ABSOLUTELY.....but still finding my way and sometimes....it's a little tough in some ways. But I get through....just like I always do.
So.....best part of my day. (Eyeopener and a big hug for me.) I was walking home from the beach with Mali. A little girl ran up to Mali and hugged her screaming with delight. Of course....Mali was afraid...she's not used to little kids and ran off. The little girl was sad that Mali wouldn't let her pet her. So I did the whole how to approach a dog talk with her Mom and the little girl. And all was better. A woman was watching me and said to me....."I remember you" and went into what she remembered about what I had told her about moving here. I met her after just a few weeks here and obviously made an impression in some way. She mentioned my blog and said she sees me walking all the time and loved my confidence, my air of belonging and the sense of freedom she saw in me. WOW....really? She said she was inspired by me and looking for her own changes with her life. A wonderful compliment. This woman made my whole week!! So.....I've made a new friend, I am out of my funk and apparently I am officially an Obeachian. What more could a girl ask for? ;)

I can't believe I am 55 and still continuing to "grow up". I believe that this move has helped me as a person in more ways than I ever imagined. How? Courage.....I knew I was strong but I never understood until recently. But to be honest....strength is something that comes naturally to me. I'm a survivor. You do what you gotta do and keep on trucking......with your chin up and with a smile. Secondly.... I have gained more street smarts for sure. A whole new respect for the world outside of northern VA has opened up and with a little help from my new friends.....I am much wiser. I have a huge respect for some of the people I've met here.....huge respect for the passion of this town.
I wake up each day to make sure my kids know I love them, do a good deed, learn something new, do something healthy for myself, and write down what I am grateful for at the end of each day. I've done it for years. Sometimes I don't do all of them......but I always do at least 4 of them each and every day. Some people I know struggle with being a better person or making changes....These 5 things.....will make a difference. And the best thing....they are easy!
Basically.....maybe we all have to grow up anyway......whether we like it or not. But I am sure enjoying the roller coaster ride!! Always an adventure for sure!!