This weather is crazy depressing here. Goodbye winter.....I'm done with you!! House went on the market on Friday and not a bite. But hey...who wants to to go out when it's pouring rain and snow. Things have settled down now that packing is pretty much done. Woke up this morning at 5 am, anxious about the cross country trip and that I only have two months here. Had a much needed long talk with my Mom and realized that the excitement of starting a new life is okay. It's my life after all!! My worries about taking my pups cross country with's an adventure right? We will do it the best way we can with humor and patience. Prayers needed that the house sells soon. (: May the sun shine tomorrow!!!
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Friday, March 28, 2014
To see a World in a Grain of Sand And a Heaven in a Wild Flower, Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand And Eternity in an hour.” Wow can I relate to that! House is officially on the market and I am praying that it's sold quickly. Feel like I'm living in a hotel. None of my personal belongings around :( But all it good......excited to start my new life.
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
After being so overwhelmed for so long.....I'm feeling grateful. Of course each day I take a moment to thank God for my family, my friends,my health and that I have a roof over my head. I also make sure I make a difference in someones life everyday. Today was extra special. My lease is signed, sealed and delivered! I got to see my last snow come and go. My car almost did not start today but did. Got to do my good deed at Walmart!
Best of all the sun is shining and good weather ahead. House goes on market soon....exciting :) The mud factor will be challenging with Mali but we can do it!!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Lots of folks are wondering why I am making such a big move. Simply, Its time for a change. It was so difficult finding a rental to take the 3 dogs. But finally my prayers were answered and with the help of Lindsay have found the perfect place to stay during our transition. I am moving because Lindsay is staying out there after law school to practice and eventually raise a family. Chase wants to transfer out there to attend school and follow his passion in Music. Basically, I'm feeling stagnant, life is so short and it's ready for a change. So California I come. Myself, Chase and 3 dogs traveling quickly cross country on May 27. Should be interesting. I'll need a big glass of wine on my new deck when I get there!!! I'm going to be 55 and I want more for my life. I start an online course soon to specialize training dogs with behavioral issues. I'll work part time out there while building up my own business. There's a dog beach 5 blocks from my new residence and I hope to make some new friends and maybe some clients at the same time. I don't know anyone out there....but I'm looking forward to my new adventure.
Monday, March 24, 2014
It's official! I finally have a new address cross country in Ocean Beach! Perfect for us. Dog park, dog beach, skate board park, beach view from my deck, and fully furnished!! Wow, wow, wow.....feeling so fortunate to have found this place. NOW I am's actually happening. Yay, yay, yay!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
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